
Retrieves the current status of the mobile application registration.




registrationStatus returns one of the values defined in the RegistrationStatus class.

//The registration bas been successfully created.
#define SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTERED 203 

//The registration is currently being created.
#define SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTERING 202 

//The registration could not be created or deleted. Using onRegistrationStatusChanged you can 
//capture the associated errorCode and errorMessage. This is a permanent condition that will 
//not be automatically resolved, 
//so registerApplication or unregisterApplication must be! called again to retry.
#define SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTRATION_ERROR 201 

//The registration has been successfully deleted, or there was no previous registration.
#define SUPRegistrationStatus_UNREGISTERED 205 

//The registration is currently being deleted.
#define SUPRegistrationStatus_UNREGISTERING 204