Filtering Results

Specify test criteria for group queries.

You can specify how your results are filtered by using the - (SUPQuery*)having:(SUPTestCriteria*)test method from SUPQuery method for queries using groupBy. For example, limit your AllType MBO's results to attribute values that are greater than or equal to 0 using:

SUPQuery *query2 = [SUPQuery getInstance];
[query2 select:@", SUP("];
[query2 from:@"AllType":@"c"];
SUPAttributeTest *ts = [SUPAttributeTest getInstance];
ts.attribute = @"";
ts.testValue = @"0";
ts.operator = SUPAttributeTest_GREATER_EQUAL;
[query2 where:ts];
[query2 groupBy:@""];

SUPAttributeTest *ts2 = [SUPAttributeTest getInstance];
ts2.attribute = @"";
ts2.testValue = @"0";
ts2.operator = SUPAttributeTest_GREATER_EQUAL;
[query2 having:ts2];