
Return current status of the mobile application connection.


+ (int32_t)connectionStatus;


connectionStatus returns one of the SUPConnectionStatus class values.

//The connection been successfully started.
#define SUPConnectionStatus_CONNECTED 103 

//The connection is currently being started.
#define SUPConnectionStatus_CONNECTING 102 

//The connection could not be started, or was previously started and subsequently an error occurred. Using 
//onConnectionStatusChanged you can capture the associated errorCode and errorMessage. This is a temporary condition that
//can be automatically! resolved, if network connectivity can be established or reestablished.
#define SUPConnectionStatus_CONNECTION_ERROR 101 

//The connection been successfully stopped, or there was no previous connection.
#define SUPConnectionStatus_DISCONNECTED 105 

//The connection is currently being stopped.
#define SUPConnectionStatus_DISCONNECTING 104 


  • Get the Application Connection Status
    [SUPApplication connectionStatus];