Local Business Object

Defined in Unwired WorkSpace, local business objects are not bound to EIS data sources, so cannot be synchronized. Instead, they are objects that are used as local data store on device. Local business objects do not call submitPending, or perform a replay or import from the Unwired Server.

The following code example creates a row for a local business object called "clientObj", saves it, and finds it in the database.

//Create a client only  MBO...");
ClientObj *o = [ClientObj getInstance];
  o.attribute1 = @"This";
  o.attribute2 = @"is";
  o.attribute3 = @"a";
  o.attribute4 = @"local business object";
[o save];

//Read from the created local business object");
SUPObjectList *objlist = [ClientObj findAll];
MBOLogError(@"ClientObj has %ld rows",[objlist size]);
  for(ClientObj *o in objlist)
MBOLogError([[o json:0] toString]);
Related concepts
Query APIs
Installing and Testing X.509 Certificates on iOS Clients
Related reference
Connection APIs
Message-Based Synchronization APIs
Operations APIs
Personalization APIs
Object State APIs
Security APIs
Single Sign-On With X.509 Certificate Related Object API
Utility APIs
Complex Attribute Types
MetaData and Object Manager API
Messaging Client API