Delete Operation

The delete operation allows the client to delete a new record in the local database. To propagate the changes to the server, call submitPending.


The following examples show how to perform deletes to parent entities and child entities.

Example 1: Supports delete operations to parent entities. The sequence of calls is:

SampleApp_Customer *customer = [ SampleApp_Customer find: 32]
[customer delete];
[customer submitPending];
while ([SampleApp_SampleAppDB hasPendingOperations])
		[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.2];

Example 2: Supports delete operations child entities. The sequence of calls is:

SampleApp_Sales_order  *order = [SampleApp_Sales_order find: 32]
[order delete];
[order.customer submitPending]; //Call submitPending on the parent.
while ([SampleApp_SampleAppDB hasPendingOperations])
		[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.2];