Local Business Object

A business object can be either local or mobile. A local business object is a client-only object. Unlike a mobile business object, a local business object cannot be synchronized with the Unwired Server. Local business objects do not call submitPending, or perform a replay or import from the Unwired Server.

The following code example creates a row for a local business object called "clientObj", saves it, and finds it in the database.

//Create a client only  MBO...");
ClientObj *o = [ClientObj getInstance];
  o.attribute1 = @"This";
  o.attribute2 = @"is";
  o.attribute3 = @"a";
  o.attribute4 = @"client only mbo";
[o save];

//Read from the created MBO");
SUPObjectList *objlist = [ClientObj findAll];
MBOLogError(@"ClientObj MBO has %ld rows",[objlist size]);
  for(ClientObj *o in objlist)
MBOLogError([[o json:0] toString]);
Related concepts
Query APIs
Related reference
Connection APIs
Synchronization APIs
Operations APIs
Personalization APIs
Object State APIs
Security APIs
Utility APIs
Complex Attribute Types
MetaData and Object Manager API
Message-Based Synchronization APIs
Messaging Client API