Connect the Data Synchronization Channel Through a Relay Server

To enable your client application to connect through a Relay Server, you can enter the related configuration in the application connection template through Sybase Control Center, and/or setup the configuration properties in the synchronization profile using the object API.

Edit SUP101DB by modifying the values of the Relay Server properties for your Relay Server environment.

ConnectionProfile syncProfile = SUP101DB.GetSynchronizationProfile();
syncProfile.ServerName = "examplexp-vm1";
syncProfile.PortNumber = 80;
syncProfile.NetworkProtocol = "http";
NetworkStreamParams streamParams = GetSynchronizationProfile().StreamParams;
streamParams.Url_Suffix = "/cli/iarelayserver/<FarmName>";
GetSynchronizationProfile().DomainName = "default"; 

To update properties for a Relay Server installed on Internet Information Services (IIS) on Microsoft Windows:

ConnectionProfile syncProfile = SUP101DB.GetSynchronizationProfile();
syncProfile.ServerName = "examplexp-vm1";
syncProfile.PortNumber = 80;
syncProfile.NetworkProtocol = "http";
NetworkStreamParams streamParams = GetSynchronizationProfile().StreamParams;
streamParams.Url_Suffix = "/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/<FarmName>";
GetSynchronizationProfile().DomainName = "default"; 

For more information on relay server configuration, see System Administration and Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform.