Complex Example

This example shows the usage of CompositeTest, SortCriteria and Query to locate all customer objects based on particular criteria.

Query props = new Query();
            //define the attribute based conditions
            //Users can pass in a string if they know the attribute name. R1 column name = attribute name.
            CompositeTest innerCompTest = new CompositeTest();
            innerCompTest.Operator = CompositeTest.OR;
            innerCompTest.Add(new AttributeTest("state", "CA", AttributeTest.EQUAL));
            innerCompTest.Add(new AttributeTest("state", "NY", AttributeTest.EQUAL));
            CompositeTest outerCompTest = new CompositeTest();
            outerCompTest.Operator = CompositeTest.OR;
            outerCompTest.Add(new AttributeTest("fname", "Jane", AttributeTest.EQUAL));
            outerCompTest.Add(new AttributeTest("lname", "Doe", AttributeTest.EQUAL));
            //define the ordering
            SortCriteria sort = new SortCriteria();

            sort.Add("fname", SortOrder.ASCENDING);
            sort.Add("lname", SortOrder.ASCENDING);
            //set the Query object
            props.TestCriteria = outerCompTest;
            props.SortCriteria = sort;
            props.Skip = 10;
            props.Take = 5;
            Sybase.Collections.GenericList<Customer> customers2 = Customer.FindWithQuery(props);