Other Operation

Operations that are not create, update, or delete operations are called “Other” operations. An Other operation class is generated for each operation in the MBO that is not a create, update or delete operation.

Suppose the Customer MBO has an Other operation “other”, with parameters “p1” (string), “p2” (int) and “p3” (date). This results in a CustomerOtherOperation class being generated, with “p1”, “p2” and “p3” as its attributes.

To invoke the Other operation, create an instance of CustomerOtherOperation, and set the correct operation parameters for its attributes. This code provides an example:

CustomerOtherOperation other = new CustomerOtherOperation();
other.P1 = “somevalue”;
other.P2 = 2;
other.P3 = System.DateTime.Now;
other.Save(); // or other.Create()