Creating a Replication-based Push Application

The device application must meet these requirements to utilize the replication-based Push Synchronization APIs described in this section.

You can develop the push application directly from generated mobile business object (MBO) code, or from the Device Application Designer.

  1. Properly configure and deploy the mobile business objects (MBOs).
    1. Create a Cache Group and set the cache policy to Scheduled and set some value for the Cache interval, 30 seconds for example.
    2. Create a Synchronization Group and set some value for the Change detection level, one minute for example.
    3. Place all Mobile Application project MBOs in the same Cache Group and Synchronization Group.
    4. Deploy the Mobile Application Project as Replication-based in the Deployment wizard.
  2. Configure the Emulator or device:
    1. Copy the server synchronization tool SybaseServerSync.v35.CAB from ClientAPI\ServerSync\ce\installer to the Emulator or device.
    2. Click on the CAB file to install it on the Emulator or device.
  3. Develop the application in Device Application Designer.
  4. Add the Push Settings and Synchronization stock screens.
  5. Generate the device application code.
  6. Run the application in the Emulator or device.
  7. In the Push Settings screen, define the polling interval and notification file path.

  8. In the Synchronization screen, select the Enable push checkbox, choose a push notification mode, and click Save.
  9. Start the Server Synchronization Tool on the device.
    1. On the device, make sure the file is installed as described above.
      Note: Sybase recommends that you use the file that has the same .NET CF version as the application. If two applications with different versions are on the same device, for example one is version 2.0 and the other version 3.5, then use the lower version, such as
    2. Navigate to the Sever Sync tool included with the program: {device_root}\Programs \Server sync\supsis.exe.
    3. Click supsis.exe.
      This enables push synchronization between Unwired Server and devices.