Local Business Object

A business object can be either local or mobile. A Local Business Object (LBO) is a client-only object. LBOs are useful to persist an application’s local data without updating the backend. The difference between a LBO and an MBO is that an MBO’s operations are sent to the backend. LBO’s operations are updated only to the local state do not affect the backend. For example, an LBO would be well suited to store some bookkeeping information on an application device.

An example of a Local Business Object:
LoginStatus status= new LoginStatus ();
   status.Id = 123;
   status.Time = DateTime.Now;
   status.Success = true;

   long savedId = 123;
   LoginStatus status = LoginStatus.Find(savedId);
   status.Success = false;

   long savedId = 123;
   LoginStatus status = LoginStatus.Find(savedId);
Related concepts
Connection APIs
Synchronization APIs
Message-Based Synchronization APIs
Related reference
Query APIs
Operations APIs
Personalization APIs
Object State APIs
Utility APIs
MetaData and Object Manager API
Replication-Based Synchronization APIs