
Variables are key-values. There are three types of variables: user-defined variables, table context variables, and system variables.

A system variable is a predefined variable to retrieve system information such as device date and time, RAM, flash memory, and other parameters, and information about the Unwired Server.

The table context variable is related to the MBO used in the current context (for example, operation).

Variable Name Variable Constant Description
Device Date DEVICE_DATE The date set on the device.
Device Time DEVICE_TIME The time set on the device.
OS version DEVICE_OS The OS version running on the device.
Package Name PACKAGE_NAME The package name used for the logged-in user.
Password LOGIN_PASSWORD The password used to log in to Sybase Unwired Platform.
User Name LOGIN_USER_NAME The user name used to log in to Sybase Unwired Platform.
Server Name SERVER_NAME The name of the Unwired Server where the user logged in.
Unique ID GUID A 32-bit unique ID.
Unwired Server URL SERVER_URL The URL used for connecting to the Sybase Unwired Server.

The following sample code shows how to access the system variable "Package Name."

String packageName = Sybase.UnwiredPlatform.Windows.Variable.VariableManager.Instance.
             GetVariableValue(Sybase.UnwiredPlatform.Windows.Variable.VariableType.System, "PACKAGE_NAME");