Layout Manager Objects

Use the layout manager objects to add and position controls on the screen. Device Application Designer provides a number of layout managers for laying out controls.

Device Application Designer Layout Manager Types
Layout Manager Type Class Description

Row Layout


Extends Manager, and is the base BOB layout manager. All other layout managers leverage this layout manager to lay out controls. RowLayout lays out the controls based on assigned horizontal/vertical spans and the width/height of the controls.

Layout Manager


Extends Manager, and lay outs the controls that use RowLayout.

LayoutManager first creates a RowLayout based on assigned horizontal/vertical spans. When the first RowLayout is full, LayoutManager creates another RowLayout for the rest of the controls.

Region Manager


Extends LayoutManager.

Tab Content Panel


The TabContentPanel extends Manager and is used in TabLayoutManager.

Tab Control Layout


Extends HorizontalFieldManager and provides methods to add tabs and switch tabs. It is used in TabLayoutManager.

Tab Layout Manager


Extends Manager and lays out controls for tab panels.



Extends VerticalFieldManager to accommodate toolbar items. You can assign styles to Toolbar for style and border style. Toolbar is only available to touch screen devices.

Example 1

This example illustrates how the createControls method is added to the screen:
layoutManager = (LayoutManager) createControlById(LAYOUTMANAGER);
label1 = (Label) createControlById(LABEL1);
layoutManager.addWidget(label1, 1, 1);