Developing an iPhone Application

Goal: Generate Object API code for the iPhone platform, develop an iPhone device application with code, and test its functionality.


The device application communicates with the database mobile business objects that are deployed to Unwired Server.

  1. Open the SUP101 Mobile Application Project if it is not already open:
    In WorkSpace Navigator, right-click the SUP101 folder and select Open in Diagram Editor.
  2. Deploy the database mobile business objects.
  3. Generate the Object API code for iPhone.
  4. Set up the iPhone client application in Xcode.
  5. Register the iPhone simulator in Sybase Control Center.
  6. Create the SUP101 CallbackHandler file.
  7. Add the SubscribeController View controller.
  8. Add the CustomerListController.
  9. Add the DetailController.
  10. Deploy the iPhone application to the simulator.