Registering the Device in Sybase Control Center

Registering a connection makes an application available on a specific device.

Register a connection for each device or emulator that you want to use.
  1. Log in to Sybase Control Center using the supAdmin user name and the current password.
  2. In Sybase Control Center, select View > Select > Unwired Server Cluster Management View.
  3. Click Applications in the left pane. In the right pane, open the Application Connections tab.
  4. Register an application connection for each device that you will test in the tutorial:
    1. Click Register.
    2. In the Register Application Connection window, specify the following options:
      • User name – enter the name of the user that will activate and register the Mobile Workflow application. For this tutorial, where we test several different emulators, enter a unique user name for each device.
      • Template – accept the default template name.
      • Server name – the machine and domain of the host server where the mobile application project is deployed.
      • Port – accept the default value for the port used for messaging connections between the device and Unwired Server. If you use Relay Server, this is the Relay Server port.
      • Farm ID – enter 0.
      • Application ID – select HWC.
      • Security configuration – accept the default value.
      • Activation code length – accept the default value.
      • Activation expiration (hours) – optionally, change the default value (for example, to enable the connection for longer than 72 hours).
      • Specify activation Code – optionally, enter a three-character value that is sent to the user in an activation e-mail. If you enable this option, the user must enter the activation code when logging in to the application. The value can contain letters A - Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 - 9, or a combination of both.
    The connection is added to the Application Connections table. In the example, notice that the new connection (in the second line) has no Device Type or Device ID yet. These fields are automatically loaded later, when the specified user accesses the connection. The first line in the example shows such a connection from a different device.