Custom Filters, Roles, and Synchronization Group Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced during MBO development and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to Unwired Server. Messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Custom filter, role, and synchronization group validation rules and error messages
Severity and message Cause Action

Error: ‘<Filter class path>‘ has compile errors

A compilation error occurred in the result-set filter class file.

Correct the error in the filter class.

Warning: Duplicated result set filters in ‘<MBO Name>‘. The filter class path ‘<Filter class path>‘ is shared by more than one filter.

One result-set filter is added to the same MBO more than once.

Remove duplicate filters.

Error: ‘<Filter class path>‘ does not implement <Interface name> interface.

The filter class does not implement the required interface.

Change the filter class to implement the required interface.

Error: ‘<Filter class path>‘ does not exist in workspace.

The filter class has been deleted outside of the workspace, and the related result filter class information has not been updated to reference the MBO.

Delete the result set filter from the MBO, or add the original filter class back to the workspace.

Error: Duplicate case insensitive synchronization group name: ‘<SyncGroup Name>‘.

The synchronization group name is a duplicate of another synchronization group.

Enter a valid and unique synchronization group name.

Error: The change detection interval must be between 1 and 2147483647 seconds for the synchronization group: ‘<SyncGroup Name>‘.

The synchronization group interval has an invalid value.

Enter a valid interval value.

Warning: Relationship from 'MBO1' to 'MBO2' references two Mobile business Objects in different synchronization Groups. Mobile business objects with relationship should be grouped in the same synchronization group.

MBOs in a relationship are grouped in different synchronization groups.

Resolve MBO dependencies and group MBOs with relationships in the same synchronization group.

Error: Synchronization group name ‘<SyncGroup Name>‘ is a reserved name.

The synchronization group uses the reserved name system or initialSync.

Rename the synchronization group.

Error: Invalid < object type > name: name cannot be empty.

The <object type> name cannot be empty.

Enter a valid value for the name of the <object type>.

Warning: Mobile business objects in the same synchronization group should have the same role assignments: ‘<SyncGroup Name>‘.

Mobile business objects in the same synchronization group have different role assignments.

Make sure the MBOs in one synchronization group have the same role assignments.

Error: Duplicate role name: ‘<Role Name>‘.

Duplication of role names.

Enter a valid and unique role name.

Error: Invalid role name: '‘<Role Name>’, name cannot be a Java or C# language keyword.

The role name is the same as a Java or C# keyword, such as binary, boolean, byte, char, date, datetime, time, decimal, double, float, object, int, integer, long, short, string, switch, and so on.

Do not use Java or C# keywords as role name.

Error: Invalid personalization key name: ‘<Role Name>‘. A valid identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore, followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores.

An invalid role name exists.

Enter a valid role name.