Packet Dropped State

Problem: User stops receiving packets for a package subscription and "Packet Dropped" displays as the subscription status for the user and device ID.

Explanation: A problem has occurred in processing the packet. No further packets sent to subscriptions for this package will be processed until the problem is fixed.

  1. In the Unwired Server log, locate the lines recording the packet drop.
    1. In a text editor, open <SUP_installdir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\<server_name>-server.log.
    2. Search for "packet-dropped" or "packet dropped" – you should find two consecutive lines that show this text far to the right:
      … Detected a packet-dropped candidate message …
      … DOE-C is negotiating a DOE packed dropped message:
  2. Determine the reason that the packet was dropped.
    1. If you see this line below following close after the two lines above, the packet was dropped because the packet drop size was exceeded:
      MESSAGE: Request Entity Too Large
      Look further to the right in the first line above and note the "size" value and the "maximum" value:
      … candidate message - size ####, maximum ####
    2. If you see this line below following close after the two lines above, the packet was dropped because the packet read timed out – the packet could not be processed in the time allotted:
      Read timed out : Read timed out
    3. If you see neither of the lines above following close after the first two, the packet was probably dropped because it could not be parsed correctly.
  3. Use the table below to finish resolving the issue.
Reason for drop Next action Resolution options
Packet drop size exceeded Check with your SAP administrator to see if the packet "size" value can be made smaller than the "maximum" value (the packet drop size).
If your SAP administrator can reduce the packet size below the packet drop size:
  1. Have the SAP administrator can reduce the packet size.
  2. Unsubscribe and resubscribe all affected user devices.
If your SAP administrator cannot reduce the packet size below the packet drop size:
  1. Verify that user devices can handle a packet as large as the one that was dropped.
  2. In Sybase Control Center, increase the packet drop size to accommodate the size of the dropped packet: select the package, go to the Subscriptions tab, click the Properties button.
Packet read timed out Contact your network administrator.

Have your network administrator verify that the timeout was not caused by an unrelated network problem. For example, if the DOE server was unable to resolve the hostname of the Sybase Unwired Server, or a network router failed, a read timeout would result.

If you have ruled out network problems as the cause of the timeout, have your SAP administrator increase the packet read timeout value for the package on the SAP end.

Then, in Sybase Control Center, increase the packet read timeout value for the package: under Domains, select default, Connections, select the package, then click Properties – DOE SOAP Timeout is the packet read timeout setting.

Packet could not be parsed correctly Contact your SAP administrator.

Have your SAP administrator fix the parsing issue for the package on the SAP end.

For more information on:
  • Understanding packet drop size – see System Administration for Sybase Unwired Platform > System Reference > EIS Data Source Connection Properties Reference > SAP DOE-C Properties
  • Setting packet drop size and read timeout in Sybase Control Center – see Sybase Control Center Online Help > Configure > Packages > Viewing and Changing Messaging and DOE-C Package Connection Properties
  • Setting packet drop size and read timeout with the Command Line Utility – see Installation Guide for Sybase SAP DOE Connector > SAP DOE Connector Command Line Utility > Package Management Commands > setEndpointProperties Command.