Sybase Control Center Could Not be Started

Problem: After installation, Sybase Control Center could not be started. The agent bootstrap thread logs error messages in agent.log such as the ones below. In case of a port conflict on the RMI agent port (default 9999) or the Repository DB port (default 3638), the Sybase Control Center service startup fails.

RMI Agent: 
[Agent Bootstrap Thread] - Failed to start rmi registry.
[Agent Bootstrap Thread] - Messaging provider failed to fully start.
Web Container: 
[Agent Bootstrap Thread] - Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Repository DB:
 [Agent Bootstrap Thread] - Failed to connect to dataserver engine.

Explanation: This error can occur for a variety of reasons; for example, if an application or service is offline during the installation process, the installer does not detect the port number is in use.

Solution: Change the Sybase Control Center component port number as needed post-installation, using information in Port Number Reference.