Windows Mobile Compile Error For Generated API Project

Problem: A Windows Mobile compile error is encountered when generating a client object API project.

For example: Error 6 'entity.<variable>' does not contain a definition for '<variable>' and no extension method '<variable>' accepting a first argument of type 'entity.<variable>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\work\entity_Sol\entity_MBO\entity\intrnl\Department_rs.cs 45 46 entity_MBO

Explanation: This error is due to variable name conflicts. The package name includes client object API reserved words (in the example, "User" is used by OfflineAuthentication.cs, and "entity" is the field of an internal operation). The compile process could not resolve package name with the internally reserved words, and reported the error.

Solution: Rename the package, then rerun the compile.