Personalization Key Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced when defining personalization keys, assigning them to attributes or parameters, and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to which the personalization key is assigned to Unwired Server. Messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Personalization key validation rules and error messages
Severity and message Cause Action

Error: Invalid personalization key name: ‘<PK Name>‘. A valid identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore, followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores.

The personalization key name is invalid.

Enter a valid name.

Error: Invalid personalization key name: ‘<PK Name>‘, name cannot be a Java or C# language keyword.

The personalization key name is the same as a Java or C# keyword, such as binary, boolean, byte, char, date, datetime, time, decimal, double, float, object, int, integer, long, short, string, switch, and so on.

Do not use Java or C# keywords as personalization key names.

Error: Invalid personalization key name: ‘<PK Name>‘, the length must be less than 64.

The length of personalization key name exceeds the allowed maximum.

Enter a valid name that is less than 64 characters.

Error: Duplicate personalization key name: ‘<PK Name>‘. The name is case-insensitive.

A personalization key with the same name already exists.

Enter a valid and unique name.

Error: The default value(s) of a non-nullable personalization key should not be set to ‘<NULL>’: ‘<PK Name>‘.

A null default value has been set for a non-nullable personalization key. No error displays for this error.

Set the default value for the personalization key to a non-null value.

Warning: Default value for the ‘<Type>’ data type for personalization key ‘<PK Name>‘ contains warning : ‘<Msg>’.

A structure personalization key contains a default value that generates a warning message.

Correct the problem identified by the warning message.

Error: Invalid default value ‘<Default Value>’ for the ‘<Type>’ data type of personalization key: ‘<PK Name>‘.

The default value for the datatype of the personalization key is invalid.

Set the default value to conform to the datatype.

Error: Invalid < object type > name: name cannot be empty.

The <object type> name cannot be empty.

Enter a valid value for the name of the <object type>.