Global Unwired Server Properties ( Configuration File Reference is a global properties file that allows you to configure many subcomponents of the Unwired Server. This file is located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\sup\server\SUPServer.

Property Default Description
sup.admin.port 2000 The port used by the embedded application server.
sup.admin.protocol IIOPS The protocol use for Unwired Server administration from Sybase Control Center. Accepted values are IIOP (unsecure) or IIOPS (encrypted).
sup.admin.httpports 8000 The HTTP ports used by the embedded application server.
sup.admin.httpsports 8001, 8002 The HTTPS (secure) ports used by the embedded application server.
sup.admin.iiopsport 2001 The IIOPS port used by Sybase Control Center.
sup.sync.sslkeystore Repository/Security/keystore.jks The relative path to the Unwired Server keystore file.
sup.sync.sslkeystore_password changeit The password to unlock the keystore file
sup.sync.ssltruststore Repository/security/truststore.jks The relative path to the Unwired Server truststore file.
sup.sync.ssltruststore_password changeit The password to unlock the truststore file
sup.sync.port 2480 The synchronization port.
sup.sync.httpsport 2481 The secure synchronization port.
sup.sync.protocol HTTP, HTTPS The protocol used for synchronization. By default HTTP; however, you can also use HTTPS.


The fully qualified path to the certificate file. The value should be the relative path to Unwired Server.
sup.sync.certificate_password changeit The password to unlock the certificate. <computerName> The Unwired Server cluster name.
sup.user.options n/a The Unwired Server user startup options.
sup.install.number <number> The Unwired Platform install number. n/a The Unwired Platform Java install number. <computerName> The host name of the Unwired Server.
sup.install.asservice false Indicates whether or not Unwired Server is installed in service mode.
sup.node.status resumed The Unwired Server cluster status: suspend, resume, pending, suspended, resumed, pending.
sup.node.home n/a Messaging service home path.
sup.imo.upa n/a Encrypted user name and password of admin@system.
sup.msg.outbound_queue_prefix sup.mbs.moca. The outbound queue prefix.
sup.msg.inbound_queue_prefix sup.mbs. The inbound queue prefix.
sup.msg.inbound_count 25 The number of inbound queues.
sup.msg.outbound_count 5 The number of outbound queues.
ml.threadcount 5 The synchronization threadcount. This value must be 5 units lower than sqlany.threadcount.
ml.servername none The Unwired Server name.
ml.cachesize 50M The maximum size for the replication protocol server memory cache.
relayserver.trusted_certs none The trusted certificate path relative to Unwired Server home.
cdb.threadcount 20 The maximum number of tasks that the cache database server can execute concurrently.
cdb.databasename default The cache database name.
cdb.password sql The password for the cache database.
cdb.asa.mode primary The database mode when cache database type is SQL Anywhere (Sybase_ASA).
cdb.serverport 5200 The cache database port number.
cdb.dsnname default-cdb The cache database DSN name.
cdb.install_type default The cache database install type.
cdb.username dba The cache database user name.
cdb.type Sybase_ASA The cache database type.
cdb.serverhost localhost The cache database server host name.
cdb.user.options none The cache database user-specified startup options.
cdb.servername none The cache database server name.
cldb.serverhost localhost The cluster database server host name.
cldb.serverport 5200 The cluster database port number.
cldb.username dba The cluster database user name.
cldb.password sql The cluster database password.
cldb.databasename clusterdb The cluster database name.
cldb.dsnname none The cluster database DSN name.
cldb.type Sybase_ASA The cluster database type.
monitoringdb.serverhost localhost The monitoring database server host name.
monitoringdb.serverport 5200 The monitoring database port number.
monitoringdb.username dba The monitoring database user name.
monitoringdb.password sql The monitoring database password.
monitoringdb.databasename monitordb The monitoring database name.
monitoringdb.type Sybase_ASA The monitoring database type.
cluster.version 1 The cluster version number.
cluster.sync.sharedpath none The shared data path for CSYNC/DSYNC zip files; required only when "cluster.sync.sharedpath.enabled" is set to true.
cluster.sync.sharedpath.enabled False Indicates whether or not to enable the cluster’s optional "Shared Data Path" feature.
license.product.edition none The Unwired Platform license edition.
license.type none The Unwired Platform license type.
client.licenses none The number of Unwired Platform client device licenses.
client.url_suffix none the URL suffix used by a mobile client to connect to a Relay Server.

For example, to connect a client to an Unwired Server cluster called RepFarm1, you might use /sup_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/RepFarm1 as the URL suffix.

msg.http.server.ports 5001, 80 The Messaging service HTTP ports.
msg.client.url_suffix none the URL suffix used by a mobile client to connect to a Relay Server.

For example, to connect a client to an Unwired Server cluster called MsgFarm1, you might use /sup_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/MsgFarm1 as the URL suffix.

msg.admin.webservices.port 5100 The Messaging service administration port.
msg.rsoeOptions none The Messaging service RSOE options. Used in the Messaging service RSOE command line.
msgserver.location none The file location of the Messaging service.
webserver.rsoeOptions none (Applies only until previous versions are upgraded.) The RSOE options for embedded Web server requests.
webserver.client.url_suffix none the URL suffix used by a mobile client to connect to a Relay Server.The client URL suffix for Web server requests when the Relay Server is configured for embedded Web server requests..
rsoeOptions none (Applies only until previous versions are upgraded.) The RSOE options for the Messaging service. Used in the messaging protocol RSOE command line.
sqlany.mode Primary The cache database mode: only primary is supported.
mac.address none The MAC address of the network interface adapter used by the RSOE on the Unwired Server host.
domainlogdb.serverhost none The domain log database server host name.
domainlogdb.databasename domainlogdb The domain log database name.
domainlogdb.password sql The domain log database password.
domainlogdb.username dba The domain log database user name.
domainlogdb.serverport 5200 The domain log database server port.
domainlogdb.type Sybase_ASA The domain log database type.
ocsp.enable none Indicates whether OCSP checking is enabled when doing certificate revocation checking.
ocsp.responderCertSubjectName none The subject name of the OCSP responder's certificate, for example: ocsp.responderCertSubjectName="CN=OCSP Responder, O=XYZ Corp"
ocsp.responderCertIssuerName none The OCSP responder's certificate, for example: ocsp.responderCertIssuerName="CN=Enterprise CA, O=XYZ Corp"
ocsp.responderURL none The URL that identifies the location of the OCSP responder, for example: ocsp.responderURL=
ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber none The serial number of the OCSP responder's certificate, for example: ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber=2A:FF:00