Relay Server Outbound Enabler (rsoeconfig.xml) Configuration File

The RSOE configuration file holds the connection information to relay servers deployed on your network.

There are two ways to create this file:
  • (Recommended) Use Sybase Control Center to generate the file from properties. Alternately you can export this configuration with regRelayServer script. The generated or exported version of the file has the correct IDs (that is, primary keys of the cluster database) set for each element. With either output, you can then modify the file as needed.
  • Edit <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\config\rsoe.config.template.xml, then apply the file with this command:

    This command also writes the configuration back to the cluster database.

Elements and their respective properties are alphabetically listed.
Note: If a parent element has an ID of 0 or has no attribute, all its descendants' IDs will be treated as 0 as well due to XML inheritance rules. Set ID attributes carefully to avoid unexpected results.
Element Property Description
<relayServers> The parent element for all defined <relayServer> child elements.
  xmlns The XML namespace used for this configuration file.
<relayServer> A relay server definition.
  host either the relay server host name or the host name of the load balancer (if one is used in your environment). Device clients use the host name to establish connections. Other relay servers can use the host name to identify peers if a load balancer is not used.
ID The primary key used to identify the relay server in the cluster database. If ID is a positive integer, you are configuring an existing entry. If the ID is 0 or empty, you are configuring a new entry.
port the HTTP port for relay server connections.
securePort the secure HTTP port for relay server connections.
urlSuffix A URL suffix that allows a device application client to connect to a relay server farm. The default value for Apache on Linux is /srv/iarelayserver, and the default value for IIS on Windows is /ias_relay_server/server/rs_server.dll.
<unwiredServerFarm> An Unwired Server farm definition. This definition includes <description> and <serverNode> child elements.
  ID The primary key used to identify the Unwired Server farm in the cluster database. If ID is a positive integer, you are configuring an existing entry. If the ID is 0 or empty, you are configuring a new entry.
name the server farm for which the relay server manages requests. This property is case-sensitive. The configured value must match the value defined for the RSOE or the connection fails.
type the type of request managed by the relay server: replication based synchronization (RBS) or messaging based synchronization (MBS).
<description> describes relay server farm usage.
<serverNode> The server node definition. This definition should at least one <rsoe> child element.
  ID The primary key used to identify the server node in the cluster database. If ID is a positive integer, you are configuring an existing entry. If the ID is 0 or empty, you are configuring a new entry.
name the node string that identifies the backend replication or messaging based cluster. Combine one or more Unwired Servers to create a single server node. This property is case-sensitive. The configured value must match the value defined for the RSOE or the connection fails.
token the security token used by the server node to authenticate the back-end server connection with relay server. Each node requires a unique token: specify a unique string to a maximum of 2048 characters.