Installation Directories

Review the Sybase Unwired Platform installation directories to ensure a successful installation.

Guidelines for interpreting this information on the Unwired Platform installation directories:

By default Sybase Unwired Platform is installed to the C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform directory. You may have specified a different location.

Unwired Platform 1.5.5 installation directory subfolders
Folder Description

Files for Java Virtual Machine used by uninstaller.

ebflogs The output location of log files created each time Unwired Platform installebf.bat file is used. Use these logs to troubleshoot issues with the EBF installer.
Eclipse Files supporting the Eclipse development environment.
Note: Present in developer installations only.
InstallLogs The output location of log files created each time Unwired Platform installer is used. Use these logs to troubleshoot issues with the installer.
JDKx.x.x_x or JDKx.x.x_x-x64 Files used for version of JDK required by Unwired Platform. If the folder ends in -x64, this is the JDK for 64-bit operating systems in a production deployment environment.
scc_cert Certificate file used for Sybase Control Center.
Servers Server components that make up Unwired Platform and its mobile middleware services.
Servers\Advantage910 Device management components used to administer devices from Sybase Control Center. Includes online help.
Servers\MessagingServer Synchronization components used for messaging-based synchronization.
Servers\SQLAnywhere11 Synchronization components used for replication-based synchronization. Frequently used folders include:
  • BINXX – for utilities you might use.
  • data – for database files used by Unwired Platform.
Servers\UnwiredServer The application server used in an Unwired Platform mobility environment.
Servers\UnwiredServer\licenses Location where Unwired Platform licenses are saved. Every time a license is updated, copy new licenses here.
ThirdParty Location where required runtime files for other components integrated into the Unwired Platform environment are saved.
Uninstallers The executable and supporting files used to uninstall Unwired Platform.
Unwired_WorkSpace Executables and supporting files used by Unwired Workspace.
Note: Present in developer installations only.

Contains utilities installer executes to check and validate external information, such as third party software installations, database information, and Windows account information.

Your Sybase Unwired Platform license includes the Sybase Control Center. By default, Sybase Control Center is installed to the C:\Sybase\SCC-3_0 directory.
Note: If you have other Sybase Products installed, you may have two different versions of Sybase Control Center installed. Unwired Platform requires 3.0, so only this directory structure is documented.
Sybase Control Center 3.0 installation directory subfolders
Folder Description
auth Library files used for related services in SCC. For example, JAAS.
bin Scripts you can use to start or stop components of the SCC management framework.
common Required files shared by SCC components.
conf Configuration files used for SCC, including security providers for administration logins.
ldap The LDAP related files for SCC.
log Log files used by SCC and it's console plugins used capture management framework events exclusively. No Unwired Platform data is captured here, except for administration logins.
plugins Location for managed resource plug-ins, including one for Unwired Platform.
rtlilb Runtime library files used by SCC.
server Class and library files used by the management framework server.
services Class and library files used by SCC services.
shared Class and library files shared by SCC and its plugins.
utility Various utilities used by SCC.