Configuring Unwired Server Administration Certificates

By default, Unwired Server includes two security profiles: "default" and "default_mutual." The "default" security profile uses the "sample1" certificate and the "default_mutual" security profile uses the "sample2" certificate. The certificate used by any other user-created security profiles is specified during security profile creation.


These steps describe the basics of exporting and import a certificate. Use the same steps to import your certificate into Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center keystore.

  1. Set up the certificates:
    1. Add %JAVA_HOME% to your system path.
    2. At a command prompt, change to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Security.
    3. Export the "default" security profile certificate sample1.crt from the Unwired Server keystore by running:

      keytool -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -alias sample1 -exportcert -file sample1.crt

      See System Administration > System Reference > Command Line Utilities > Certificate and Key Management Utilities > Key Tool (keytool) Utility.

    You can also create and import new certificates. For more information about how to generate a new keystore and truststore, see
  2. Configure Sybase Control Center:
    1. Open <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\SCC-XX\services\Messaging\lib\eas\lib\Repository\Server\EmbeddedJMS\Instance\com\sybase\djc\server\ApplicationServer\
    2. Insert these values to the keystore and truststore files :

      Or, you can copy the Unwired Server keystore and truststore files and use them for Sybase Control Center instead.

    3. Import sample1.crt into the Sybase Control Center keystore by running:

      keytool -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -alias sample1 -importcert -file sample1.crt

  3. If you are running multiple Unwired Servers as part of a clustered environment, ensure these changes are repeated on all nodes. If certificates are issued to a specific host, you must generate a new certificate for each node.
Enable and configure the administration port to use the security profile in Sybase Control Center.
Related reference
Key Creation (createkey) Utility