Setting Up Provider Roles in Sybase Control Center

Configure the security provider administration and user roles and passwords required for Sybase Control Center administrator login.

  1. Exit Sybase Control Center.
  2. From Windows Services panel, stop the Sybase Unified Agent Service.
  3. Ensure that the roles defined in the LDAP repository match the roles defined in the <SCC_HOME>\conf\roles-map.xml file.
    By default, the role mapping file contains these roles in the LDAP Login Module definition:
     <module name="SUP LDAP Login Module"> 
          <role-mapping modRole="SUP Administrator" uafRole="uaAnonymous,uaAgentAdmin,uaPluginAdmin,sccAdminRole,sccUserRole" /> 
          <role-mapping modRole="SUP Domain Administrator" uafRole="uaAnonymous,uaAgentAdmin,uaPluginAdmin,sccAdminRole,sccUserRole" /> 

    You can change "SUP Administrator" and "SUP Domain Administrator" to reflect the role names that you want to use for administrator and domain administrator authentication.

  4. To add role mapping for the Anonymous Login Module to the uaAnonymous role:
    1. Add the uaAnonymous role to the <uaf-roles> section of the roles-map.xml file:
      <role name="uaAnonymous" description="Anonymous role" />
    2. Add the role mapping in the <security-modules> section of the roles-map.xml file:
      <module name=''Anonymous Login Module''>
      		 		 <role-mapping modRole=''uaAnonymous'' uafRole=''uaAnonymous'' />
  5. Restart Sybase Unified Agent.
  6. Open Sybase Control Center and log in.