Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility

Performs multiple functions, including registering or removing a participating node for a cluster or a relay server, or update a specific server property.


updateprops.bat [-u username] [-p password] [-d dsn] [-f propertyFile] 
[-cn clusterName] [-nv "<propertyName=NewValue>"] [-r] [-v] [-x] [-relayserver]


  • -u username – the platform administrator username.
  • -p password – the platform administrator password.
  • -d dsn – the data source name (DSN) of the cluster database.
  • -f propertyFile – the name and path to the property that is going to be created or is used to change values. In the case of Unwired Platform this filed is likely to be sup.properties. This file is located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\sup\server\SUPServer.
  • -cn clusterName – the name that identifies the Unwired Platform Cluster
  • -nv "<propertyName=NewValue>" – one or more platform property values that requires change. Multiple values can be defined; however, they must be separated by the pound symbol (#). For example:

    –nv “ml.threadcount=10#sup.admin.port=2005#sup.sync.port=2490"

  • -r – register a new Unwired Server (or relay server when used with the -relayserver option) to the cluster defined with -cn, or to copy cluster-affecting server changes from sup.properties to the cluster database. Administrators typically use this option if the cluster version differs from this Unwired Server. Ensure that the local files for this server are correct and there is no primary server that a slave server should be synchronized with.
  • -v – use verbose output in the command window.
  • -x – uninstall (remove) the component from the cluster.
  • -relayserver – register or unregister the relay server or load balancer. must be used with either -r or -x, as required.


  • Removing a relay server from a cluster – Remove the link between a relay server and an Unwired Server cluster by running this command on any participating server host:

    updateProps.bat -x -relayserver

    Note: This command does not remove the RSOE services. Only the relay server entries from cluster database and sup.properties are removed. To both unregister relay srver and remove RSOE services, run:

    regRelayServer.bat remove

  • Removing an Unwired Server from a cluster – Unregister an Unwired Server from the cluster by running this command:

    updateProps.bat -x

  • Adding an Unwired Server to a cluster – Add an Unwired Server to an existing cluster by running this command after opening sup.properties, and changing the name of the cluster:

    updateProps.bat -r

  • Changing a cluster-affecting property – Update the ml.threadcount property of the consolidated database to 20 by running:

    updateProps.bat -nv "ml.threadcount=20"


Before running this utility, ensure that the data tier is available; otherwise platform data is not modified correctly.