Mapping and Assigning Unwired Platform Default Roles

Unwired Platform requires that you map these default platform roles: SUP Administrator, SUP Domain Administrator, and SUP DCN User. In a development environment, these mappings are automatic. In a production environment, use Sybase Control Center to map these logical roles to the appropriate physical roles or groups in the underlying security provider.

The mapping of these logical roles to one or more physical roles in the underlying security provider decides whether a platform or domain administrator has access privileges. The administration logical to physical role mapping is done in 'default' domain for the 'admin' security configuration at the domain-level.
  1. In the left navigation pane, expand Domains.
  2. Expand the Default domain.
  3. Open the Security folder and click the Admin security configuration.
  4. Map roles to the security provider groups or roles:
    • If default roles are exactly match the names used in the security provider repository, select AUTO.
    • If the default role differs from those manually added to the repository, click the list adjacent to the logical role and choose Map Role. This command displays the Role Mappings dialog, which allows you to manually set the logical and physical role mappings. The dialog shows the name of the logical role you are mapping in the text area of the dialog. Once saved, the state automatically changes to MAPPED.
    See Sybase Control Center > Configure > Configure Unwired Platform > Domains > Configuring Domain Security.
  5. Assign domain administration access to users in Sybase Control Center:
    1. Register the user by clicking the Security node and selecting the Domain Administrators tab, then clicking New.
    2. Assign the required domain administrator physical role to the user in the underlying security provider repository for admin security configuration.
    See Sybase Control Center > Configure > Configure Unwired Platform > Domains > Administrators.
  6. Restart Unwired Server.