Retrieving Device Logs

Send a request to Unwired Server to retrieve log files from a messaging-based synchronization (MBS) device.

Log file retrieval is supported only for messaging devices.

  1. In the left navigation pane of Sybase Control Center, select Device Users.
  2. In the right administration pane, click the Devices tab, and select MBS to view messaging-based synchronization devices.
  3. Select a device, and click Get Trace.
    The status of the device must be either "online" or "offline" to retrieve the log.
  4. Click OK.
  5. When the device is online, check the device log. The default locations are <UnwiredPlantform_InstallerDir>\Data\Messaging\ClientTrace folder of the CDB node for cluster, or <UnwiredPlantform_InstallerDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\MessagingServer\Data\ClientTrace folder for a single node.
    Trace files, which can be either .log or .txt file types, have the following file name structure: yyyyMMddHHmmss_UserName_DeviceName_FileName. For example: 20091217103050_User1_Emulator67215793_Messaging_xce.log.