Monitoring Database

A single monitoring database stores data related to replication and messaging synchronization, queues status, users, data change notifications, and device notifications.

By default, the monitoring database uses the same database server instance as the consolidated database and cluster database.

Administration considerations

Administrators can install a monitoring database on host that is different from the consolidated or cluster database host. A monitoring database can be one of:
  • A new SQL Anywhere database – a SQL Anywhere database used only by Unwired Platform monitoring. This is the default installation for Unwired Platform.
  • An existing SQL Anywhere database – a SQL Anywhere database already used in your environment. You must set up Unwired Platform to use this database by configuring the database location.
    Note: The database server version must match the version used by this release of Unwired Platform. See the Installation Guide for details.
  • An existing Adaptive Server® database – an Adaptive Server database already used in your environment. You must set up Unwired Platform to use this database by configuring the database location.

A monitoring database is shared by all server instances in a cluster. Consequently, administrators must allocate and manage the database depending on the monitoring configuration and system load.

If necessary, you can manually delete data, or you can use Sybase Control Center to allow Unwired Server to automatically purge the data. You can schedule a periodic and automatic flush of monitoring data that is captured in memory and move the data to the underlying monitoring database. This allows for capturing monitoring data without performance degradation of the client applications. If there are high levels of activity, Sybase recommends that you install the monitoring database on high performance hardware, and that you configure optimal flush settings for this environment. See System Administration > Systems Maintenance and Monitoring > Monitoring Unwired Platform.

Related tasks
Setting Up an Existing Database for Monitoring
Configuring Monitoring Performance Properties
Related reference
Monitoring Database Schema