Protocol and Component Reference

Review this summary of encrypted protocols used in Unwired Platform, and how each component is configured to enable encryption.

Transport stream Encrypted protocols supported Configuration
Unwired Server and replication-based client applications.
Note: Messaging data is exchanged using a proprietary encryption over HTTP and there is no need to use SSL.
HTTPS using SSL Generate the certificate, copy the file to the Unwired Server directory, then configure HTTPS in Sybase Control Center in the Unwired Server replication synchronization configuration properties.
Data change notifications (DCNs) between an enterprise information server(EIS) and Unwired Server HTTPS using SSL

(EIS developer) use HTTPS to construct and send DCN requests to the listener.

(Administrator) generate certificate, importing certificate into server-side keystore, then using Sybase Control Center to configure an HTTPS listener for DCNs in the Unwired Server configuration properties.
Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center IIOPS using SSL Generate the certificate, import the certificate into the Unwired Server key store, import the public certificate into the Sybase Control Center key store, configure IIOPS in Sybase Control Center, in the Unwired Server configuration properties, then update the Sybase Control Center server resource properties to use the IIOPS port and secure mode.
Unwired Server and relay server HTTPS using SSL Configuring the Web server used for the relay server (IIS or Apache) to use a secure port, then setting the correct properties (for example, relayserver.protocol, relayserver.trusted_certs) in the file and configuring relay server.
Device clients and relay server HTTPS using SSL The file, but only if mutual authentication is required. In most cases, LDAP authentication, or some other authentication provider is sufficient.
Device clients and Afaria server HTTPS or XNETS using SSL Afaria Administrator for client communication properties.
Note: In addition to configuring each component to use the correct protocol and port, you must secure all of your generated server/client certificates.