Using the Sybase CEP RTD Plugin and Function

The Microsoft Excel RTD() function supports =RTD(ProgID,Server,String1,[String2],...) syntax. Describes the parameters of this function, including the ProgID and Server values, and String..StringN parameters.


The parameters of this function are as follows:

• The ProgID value is the COM program ID of the RTD server plugin. In this case, the function call refers to the Sybase CEP RTD plugin program which has the ID C8.RTD.

• The Server value is the URL of the location of the server where the RTD plugin is installed. The Sybase CEP RTD plugin is installed on the local machine, requiring this value to be left blank. Therefore, all syntax references and examples for the Sybase CEP RTD plugin leave the second value empty (",,"). This is the correct syntax.

• The String1..StringN parameters are specific to the plugin being used. The Sybase CEP RTD plugin for Excel uses these parameters to form the query.

Using the standard Microsoft Excel RTD() function syntax as a reference, the Sybase CEP RTD function takes the following syntax:

=RTD("C8.RTD", [, "STREAMURI", stream-uri] 
  [, "FIELD", field-name] [, "INDEX", index] 
  [, "FILTER", field-name, field-value])

The parameters to the function are described below:
