Reviewing the Installation

Review the installation directories to ensure Sybase SAP DOE Connector installed correctly.

By default, Sybase SAP DOE Connector installs in two directories under %SUPInstallation% : servers\UnwiredServer\doe-c_clu and servers\UnwiredServer\doecSvlet. Sybase SAP DOE Connector also installs files in other directories that you can check when reviewing the installation.

Directory name Description
%SUPInstallation%\servers\UnwiredServer\ Files for the Command Line Utility and the servlet for Sybase SAP DOE Connector.
%SUPInstallation%\InstallLogs\ The main DOE Connector installation log file, DOECInstall.log.
%SUPInstallation%\InstallLogs\silentInstall DOECdefaultDOECStartup.err, DOECdefaultDOECStartup.log, DOECdeploy.err, DOECdeploy.log. These files are empty after initial installation.

If you selected the option to have the DOE Connector installer deploy CRM ESDMA, Sybase Control Center should now show a CRM package in the Packages folder. See Sybase Control Center > Configure > Configuring Unwired Platform > Packages.