Command Summary

A concise summary of DOE-C Command Line Utility commands.

The tables below provide a concise summary of DOE-C Command Line Utility commands. For more detailed information on an individual command, refer to the reference topic on that command.

Administrative Commands



Start Command Line Utility console to enter commands interactively

%DOE-C_CLU_HOME%/bin/clu.bat (from a command prompt)

Run Command Line Utility to take commands from an XML file

%DOE-C_CLU_HOME%/bin/execute-commandXMLFile xmlFileName (from a command prompt)

Log in

login [-h|--help] [-u|--DOEServerlUser SCCUuser] [-pw|--password SCCUserPassword] [-sl|--silent]


exit [-h|--help]

Get help

help [-h|--help] | [-a|--all] | commandName

Package Management Commands



Deploy a package

deploy [-h|--help] [-dir|--deployFilesDirectory deploymentDirectory] [-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount] [-pw|--password SAPUserPassword] [-sl|--silent]

Get a list of deployed packages

getPackages [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] [-sl|--silent]

Get details for specific deployed packages

getPackages [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] [-ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList] [-sl|--silent]

Set endpoint properties for a deployed package

setEndpointProperties [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-ds|--doePacketDropSize byteSize] [-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount] [-pw|--password SAPUserPassword] [-t|--httpTimeout seconds] [-sl|--silent]

Set the log level for deployed packages

setPackageLogLevel [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-l|logLevel level] [-ps|--packageNames name] [-sl|--silent]

Get the log level for deployed packages

getPackageLogLevel [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] [-ps|--packageNames name] [-sl|--silent]

Remove deployed packages

removePackages [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-ps|--packageNames name] [-sl|--silent]

Subscription Management Commands



Get information on subscriptions to deployed packages

getSubscriptions [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] [-ps|--packageNames name] [-sl|--silent]

Run Command Line Utility to take commands from an XML file

%DOE-C_CLU_HOME%/bin/execute-commandXMLFile xmlFileName

Set the log level for subscriptions to a deployed package

setSubscriptionsLogLevel [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] [-sl|--silent]

Get the log level for subscriptions to a deployed package

getSubscriptionsLogLevel [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] [-sl|--silent]

Recover subscriptions to a deployed package

recoverSubscriptions [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] [-sl|--silent]

Resynchronize subscriptions to a deployed package

resyncSubscriptions [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] [-sl|--silent]

End subscriptions to a deployed package

endSubscriptions [-h|--help] [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-p|--packageName name] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] [-sl|--silent]