resyncSubscriptions Command

Use the resyncSubscriptions command to reactivate subscriptions to a deployed DOE-C package.

If the status of a subscription is "suspended," the resyncSubscriptions command changes the status to "active." If the status is already "active" the resyncSubscriptions command has no effect.

If the Sybase SAP DOE Connector does not respond to the SAP DOE quickly enough, the DOE may mark that subscription's queues as "blocked" and stop sending messages to the DOE-C. At startup, the DOE-C sends a status message to the DOE that should unblock these queues. Should this happen at another time, a resyncSubscriptions command may be used to resume communication from the DOE to the DOE-C.


resyncSubscriptions [-i|in inputXmlFile] 
[[-a|--all] | [-p|--packageName name]] [-s|--subscriptionID ID] 
[-h|--help] [-sl|--silent]
