setEndpointProperties Command

Use the setEndpointProperties command to set the DOE endpoint properties for a deployed DOE-C package.

You must set the SAP technical user account ID and password so that DOE-C can communicate with the SAP server. You may also want to set the HTTP timeout value to use when sending messages to the SAP DOE. You can use the setEndpointProperties Command to set all of these DOE endpoint properties.


setEndpointProperties [-i|in inputXmlFile] [-o|out outputXmlFile] 
[[-a|--all] | [-p|--packageName name]] 
[-ds|--doePacketDropSize byteSize]
[-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount] 
[-pw|--password SAPUserPassword] [-t|--httpTimeout seconds] 
[-h|--help] [-sl|--silent]
