getEndpointProperties Command

Use the getEndpointProperties command to get the DOE endpoint properties (HTTPTimeout value) for a deployed DOE-C package.


getEndpointProperties [-i|in inputXmlFile] 
[[-a|--all] | [-ps|--packageNames name]] 
[-h|--help] [-sl|--silent]


  • -h|--help – Gets help on this command.
  • -i|--in – Reads command input from an XML file.
  • -a|--all – Specifies that endpoint properties will be returned for all deployed packages.
  • -ps|--packageNames – Specifies one or more package names for which endpoint properties will be returned. Each package name is followed by a colon and the package version number. Use a comma to separate the information for multiple packages, with no white space; for example:
    -ps myPkg1:2.0,myPkg2:1.0
  • -sl|--silent – Disables all user interactive questions; this option is mainly used when writing a batch file.