Known Issues for the SAP System

Learn about known issues for the SAP system.

SAP system issues
CR# Description



Device data and SAP system data are displayed differently on the device and in the SAP WebUI.

The SAP system may contain more details (fields/assignment blocks), where your organization may decide to send a subset of the data to the device. Also, some objects might have different labels in the two systems, or your organization might customize your Mobile Sales data on the SAP system.

Workaround: None.

594120 Country code for phone number does not flow to device.

Although the country code for a phone number appears in the SAP system, it does not flow to the device.

Workaround: None.

593485 Queue increases each time you subscribe to SAP system.

Workaround: Wait until you finish receiving data before resubscribing to the device or using the Mobile Sales application. It can take between 10 to 30 minutes for approximately 3MB of data to be downloaded fully to the device.

590092 Reopened opportunities remain at 100 percent.

If an opportunity is closed and then reopened, its Chance of Success remains at 100 percent in the SAP system.

Workaround: None.

Created March 2, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: