Creating a Top Opportunities Report

Create an opportunity report.

  1. On the home screen, select Analytics.
  2. Tap Top Opportunities, then tap Edit.
  3. Indicate the report details.
    Top Opportunity report details
    Option Description
    Status Select the sales order status.
    Number of Opportunities Select number of opportunities to display.
    Sort By Select Closing Date or Expected Sales Volume.
    Sort Order Select Ascending or Descending.
    Sales Representative If you are a manager, you can indicate a sales representative or all representatives.
    Closing Date Indicates the cut-off date for the opportunities to qualify for the report. Select a date on the calendar, or None. If you select a closing date, Period and Time Frame disappear.
    Period Select the period: None, Next, Current, or Previous.
    Time Frame Select the time frame: Monthly, Quarterly, or None.
  4. Tap Save to save these options as the default report, or Save As to save the report to a new name.

    If you save the report to a new name, you can access the report in My Reports.

Created March 2, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: