Configuring TSM to allow different source and target machines

TSM does not automatically allow cross-client or cross-owner backup and restore operations.

For example, suppose you want to dump from machine “node1” and load to machine “node2”. The source client NODENAME is “node1”; the target client NODENAME is “node2”.

To configure TSM to allow this:

  1. On the TSM client node, set the ASNODENAME parameter to the same value for both source and target client node machines. For example:

    ASNODENAME MyCluster
  2. On the TSM server node:

    1. Add the client node name. For example: “MyCluster”.

    2. Register the common client node name “MyCluster” association with the source “node1” and target “node2” client nodes. See the TSM documentation for instructions on how to grant proxy authority to a client node.

    3. Grant permission to delete backup copies from the “MyCluster” client node. See the TSM documentation for instruction on how to update TSM client node properties.