Text messages and MQ

When receiving messages in WebSphere MQ, MQ regards the message as a text message only if the “formatName” message property is set to “MQSTR”. Otherwise, MQ handles the message as a byte message.


Example 1 Sends a text message to WebSphere MQ.

declare @msg varchar(1024)
    select @msg = 'abc'
    select msgsend(@msg,'ibm_mq:channel1/TCP/host1(7654)?
    qmgr=QM,queue=Q1,alter_user=yes',message property "formatName=MQSTR")

Example 2 Receives a text message from WebSphere MQ:

select msgrecv('ibm_mq:channel1/TCP/host1(7654)?
    option 'bufferLength=20000k,timeout=60000', 
    returns varchar(1024))

Exampe 3 Sends a byte message to WebSphere MQ:

declare @msg varbinary(1024)
    select @msg = 'abc'
    select msgsend(@msg,'ibm_mq:channel1/TCP/host1(7654)?

Example 4 Receives a byte message from WebSphere MQ:

select msgrecv('ibm_mq:channel1/TCP/host1(7654)?
    option 'bufferLength=20000k,timeout=60000', 
    returns varbinary(1024))

Example 5 You can send a byte payload as a text message in WebSphere MQ as long as the payload is UTF8-encoded. In this example, text message “abc” is based on byte payload 0x616263 because the UTF8 encoding of text “abc” is 0x616263:

declare @msg varbinary(1024)
    select @msg = 0x616263
    select msgsend(@msg,'ibm_mq:channel1/TCP/host1(7654)?
    message property "formatName=MQSTR")