<msgheader> and <msgproperties> documents


The global variables @@msgheader and @@msgproperties are set with XML <msgheader> and <msgproperties> documents that contain the header and properties of the returned message. This section specifies the format of those documents.

The general format of a <msgheader> and <msgproperties> document for properties named PROPERTY_1, PROPERTY_2, and so on has the form described by the DTD templates in the following syntax section.


<!DOCTYPE msgheader [
<!ELEMENT msgheader EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST property_1 CDATA>
<!ATTLIST property_2 CDATA>
<!DOCTYPE msgproperties [
<!ELEMENT msgproperties EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST property_1 CDATA>
<!ATTLIST property_2 CDATA>


These examples show <msgheader> or <msgproperties> documents for two select statements:

select msgsend('Sending message with properties',
                message property 'color=red, shape=square')
select msgrecv('my_jms_provider?queue=queue.sample')
select rtrim (@@msgproperties)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    color='&apos;red&apos;' >
select rtrim (@@msgheader)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    encoding='&apos;null&apos;' >
