Configuring Client Variables for Hybrid Apps

Client variables are defined for Hybrid Apps by Hybrid App developers. Administrators can modify client variable values or add new client variables for the production environment.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Hybrid Apps and select the Hybrid App to configure the properties for.
  2. In the right administration tab, click Client Variables.
  3. Select the client variable that you want to configure and click Modify.
  4. Enter the production value for the client variable.
    If you want to push the modified value to deployed clients, click Send notification to deployed client.
    Click OK.
    To add a new client variable, click New and enter the name and value. If you want to push the new property to deployed clients, click Send notification to deployed client and click OK.
    To delete a client variable, select it and click Delete. If you want to push the deletion to deployed clients, click Send notification to deployed client and click Yes .