Apple Push Notification Properties

Apple push notification properties allow iOS users to install client software on their devices. This process requires you to create a different e-mail activation message using the appropriate push notification properties.

  • APNS Device Token – the Apple push notification service token. An application must register with Apple push notification service for the iOS to receive remote notifications sent by the application’s provider. After the device is registered for push properly, this should contain a valid device token. See the iOS developer documentation.
  • Alert Message – the message that appears on the client device when alerts are enabled. Default: New items available.
  • Delivery Threshold – the frequency, in minutes, with which groupware notifications are sent to the device. Valid values: 0 – 65535. Default: 1.
  • Sounds – indicates if a sound is a made when a notification is received. The sound files must reside in the main bundle of the client application. Because custom alert sounds are played by the iOS system-sound facility, they must be in one of the supported audio data formats. See the iOS developer documentation.

    Acceptable values: true and false.

    Default: true

  • Badges – the badge of the application icon.

    Acceptable values: true and false

    Default: true

  • Alerts – the iOS standard alert. Acceptable values: true and false. Default: true.
  • Enabled – indicates if push notification using APNs is enabled or not.

    Acceptable values: true and false.

    Default: true

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