Unwired Server Management Ports

Management ports in Unwired Server process incoming administration connection requests from Sybase Control Center. Management ports use IIOPS by default, though IIOP can be configured as well.

If you choose an unencrypted administration channel, simply reconfigure the port and change the profile used. You must then ensure that the managed resource properties Sybase Control Center uses for outbound requests match that of Unwired Servers.

Note: If you change the profile from one that requires server authentication only (for example, the built-in profile named default) to one that requires mutual authentication (for example, as the built-in profile named default_mutual), you must have already saved the necessary SSL certificates to both the Unwired Server and the Sybase Control Center keystores and truststores. See Security for details.

Additionally, if you are using Sybase Control Center in a development/test environment, you must also configure the Unwired WorkSpace on all development computers accessing the development Unwired Server to also save the required certificates to the java keystore. Sybase does not recommend that you use mutual authentication for the management port.

Related tasks
Configuring Security Profiles
Configuring SSL Properties
Adding or Updating Unwired Server Registration Properties
Related reference
Sybase Control Center Communication with Unwired Server Fails