Changing Passwords for Unwired Platform Users

If you are running OpenDS as your security repository in a development environment, all development environment users are authenticated using the credentials in this directory. In this case, all passwords must be changed in the user entry in this directory as required. You can either use Apache Directory Studio (included with development editions of Unwired Platform), or another tool of your choosing. In a production environment, you would need to edit the user entries in your native security repository, by using an appropriate tool.

Change passwords using Apache Directory Studio (Apache DS):

  1. Navigate to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\apacheds\studio.
  2. Click Apache Directory Studio to start the application.
  3. If you do not already have one, add a connection from Apache Directory Studio server to OpenDS LDAP server:
    1. Right-click the Connections view, then click New Connection.
    2. In the New Connection wizard, configure the following values:
      Page Property Value
      Network Parameters Host localhost
        Port 10389 (default port for OpenDS installed by SUP)
        Encryption method No encryption
      Authentication Authentication method Simple Authentication
        Bind DN cn=Directory Manager
        Bind password secret (default bind password)
        Save password checked
    3. On the Authentication page, click Check Authentication to validate the properties you have provided.
    4. If the operation is successful, click Next , then click Fetch Base DNs (OpenDS server is preconfigured with users such as supAdmin, supDomainAdmin and others), and click OK.
    5. Click Finish.
      The connection is added and available. You can see the new connection in the Connections view, and user accounts in the LDAP Browser view.
  4. Use the Apache Directory Studio LDAP Browser view to modify the userPassword property of the user. You will need the current password of the user. The default password for user supAdmin is s3pAdmin, for supDomainAdmin is s3pDomainAdmin, and so on for other default users.