Security Providers

Different security providers give Unwired Server security features that include authentication, attribution, and authorization capabilities.

Configure security providers for Unwired Server by logging in to the server in Sybase Control Center and clicking Security > Configuration. Configuring these providers writes changes to the Unwired Server configuration properties file.

For third-party providers, save related JAR files or DLLs in the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform-XX\Servers\UnwiredServer\lib\ext folder.

In most cases, each security module requires a unique set of configuration properties. However, there are some cases when modules require a common set of properties, and these properties are configured once for each module on a tab created for that purpose.

For more information on configuring security providers, see Sybase Unwired Platform System Administration Guide > Security Administration > Implementing System Wide Security > User Security Setup.

Related tasks
Assigning a Security Configuration to a Domain
Creating a Security Configuration
Stacking Multiple Security Providers
Reordering Configured Providers