Unwired Platform Administrator

An Unwired Platform administrator performs high-level, platform-wide management; by default, the supAdmin login is the Unwired Platform administrator in Developer Edition installation. The Unwired Platform administrator has unlimited access to the Unwired Platform components installed on the network.

To set up a user as Unwired Platform administrator, ensure that the user's login is assigned the physical role mapped to the "SUP Administrator" logical role in the security provider of 'admin' security configuration in the 'default' domain. Once completed, if the login is successfully authenticated and authorized, it is granted the required platform administrator privileges.

Upon First Login

When logging in to the developer edition of Sybase Control Center for the first time, you can use the default ID and password of supAdmin and s3pAdmin, respectively. When logging in to the deployment edition, use the ID and password that are associated with the platform administrator role defined in the "admin" security configuration.

Once authenticated, this platform administrator sees the complete set of tree nodes the role can administer as Unwired Platform managed resources. With these nodes, the administrator can exclusively administer the Unwired Server cluster environment and devices, and delegate domain administration privileges to domain administrators.

Important Considerations

  • A user with the Unwired Platform administrator privileges is implicitly granted the domain administrator access for all domains.
Related tasks
Logging in to Sybase Control Center to Administer Unwired Platform
Assigning the SCC User Role to an Unwired Platform User Login