Business Objects Configuration Property Reference

Configure business objects security to provide user credential validation for Unwired Server. Access these properties from the Authentication tab in the Security node of Sybase Control Center.

Authentication properties
Properties Default value Description
ServerName localhost The Business Objects CMS server host name.
ServerPort 6400 The default Business Objects CMS server port number.
AuthenticationType secEnterprise

The Authentication mechanism used in the Business Objects server. Valid values include: secEnterprise, secLDAP, secWinAD, and secWindowsNT.

useFirstPass false If set to true, the login module attempts to retrieve only the user name and password from the shared context. It never calls the callback handler.
tryFirstPass false If set to true, the login module first attempts to retrieve the user name and password from the shared context before attempting the callback handler.
clearPass false If set to true, the login module clears the user name and password in the shared context when calling either commit or abort.
storePass false If set to true, the login module stores the user name and password in the shared context after successfully authenticating.