Playback and Synchronization Parameters

The result set of a chained operation must contain the playback and synchronization parameters of the operation to which it is chained.

For a chained operation to be valid, its result set must contain the playback and sync parameters of the chaining mobile business object (MBO) operation.

For example, create three MBOs by dragging-and-dropping the "sampledb.dba.customer" data source. For each MBO, set Filter by for both the "state" parameter and the "company_name" attribute, so "state" is a playback and sync parameter in all three MBOs:

SELECT id, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip, phone, company_name 
FROM sampledb.dba.customer 
WHERE state=@OP["state"="CA"]
This simple example illustrates validation errors. Create a chained operation for each MBO using these SQL statements: