Data Change Notification Results

Each binding in a data change notification (DCN) request is associated with an ID. The result status of the DCN request is returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, and includes a list of IDs followed by a Boolean success field and status message, in case of error.

In response to payload and MBO operation DCNs, Unwired Server sends the requestor a JSON string containing details about the success and or failure of the operations. This example shows the JSON format for a DCN result for a request of three IDs (recID1, recID2, recID3). The example has been formatted using new lines, and indentations, which are not present in an actual response:
 "statusMessage":"bad msg2
This example is unformatted:
  • Successful operation:
  • Failed operation using tildas instead of colons:
    	"success"~false,"statusMessage"~"Error inferring attribute bindings from EIS bindings {DepartmentID\u003d10000, 